Hi {Name (First):1.3},
Thank you for requesting a Free CMA from StAubinRealEstate.com! We have received your request and will be sending you a full CMA on {Address of Property (Street Address):4.1} within 24 hours that will give you a real home valuation based on TODAY’S real estate market in {Address of Property (City):4.3}!
Here is a SAMPLE of what you will be receiving
Why don’t we offer instant home valuations like Zillow?
Other sites like Zillow use a computer algorithm to determine the selling price of your home and can be off as much as 10-15%. That is a LOT in the real estate industry. Pricing a home incorrectly when it first enters the MLS can hurt your chances at selling your home quickly and for top dollar. We know how important pricing your home correctly the first time, so we research your home, find nearby comparable active & sold homes that have similar qualities, include current market data & statistics and use our experience and knowledge of the market today to provide you with an ACCURATE price that you can rely on. That is why we only offer a true CMA to our sellers; so you have all of the RIGHT information in your hand to make the best decision when deciding on a price for your home.
Information Submitted:
Name: {Name (First):1.3} {Name (Last):1.6}
Phone: {Phone:3}
Email: {Email:2}
Property Address:
{Address of Property (Street Address):4.1}
{Address of Property (Address Line 2):4.2}
{Address of Property (City):4.3}, {Address of Property (State / Province):4.4} {Address of Property (ZIP / Postal Code):4.5}
Additional Information:
{Additional Information:5}
Please feel free to contact us by phone or email if you have any questions or information to add.
Edwin St. Aubin
(586) 939-1400
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